Some public trash bin
08:23 oh, actually, for non-autoload you need to do the symbol renaming
08:25 so, if we assume we have kernfs.kmod
08:25 make RUMP_SYMREN=kernfs.kmod -f /sys/rump/Makefile.rump
08:25 and then you can compile a server:
08:25 cc simpleserver.c kernfs.kmod -lrumpvfs -lrump -lrumpuser -lpthread
08:25 and kernfs shows up in modstat
08:25 pain-rustique:2:~> rump.modstat
08:25 kernfs vfs builtin 0 - -
08:26 this make RUMP_SYMREN=kernfs.kmod -f /sys/rump/Makefile.rump will be executed where ? in kernfs module dir ?
08:27 no, don't do that, since it renames the symbols in the binary
08:27 so you won't be able to use it as a regular kernel module anymore
08:27 autoload does this in-memory, see librump/rumpkern/kobj_rename.c
08:28 but if you want to link stuff into a binary, you need to give the renamed file to the linker
08:28 since the linker doesn't know how to rename the symbols
08:31 but, maybe it's easier to get the solaris stuff to compile as a lib
08:31 less magic involved