NetBSD Wiki/tutorials/x11/
how to use gtk applications with lightweight window managers *box, e17, etc.
The problems
After installing lightweight window managers, I noticed that some gtk applications didn't work ( thunar or nautilus, for example ) because of a dbus problem. Moreover, the gtk applications looked ugly, the icons didn't show up.
making dbus run
You have to add the following line to /etc/rc.conf
Don't forget to put the right dbus file in /etc/rc.d
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus /etc/rc.d/dbus
choosing your gtk theme
For gtk2+
applications, you need to create a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory with the following lines :
gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"
gtk-icon-theme-name = "gnome"
gtk-font-name = "Sans 12"
For gtk3+
, the file is ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-theme-name = Material-compact
gtk-icon-theme-name = adwaita
gtk-font-name = Sans 12
gtk-enable-animations = false
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = false
gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0
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