This How-To describes the process of installing a SpeedTouch 330 (PPPoA) in NetBSD 3.1, but the instructions given should apply also to older versions. The SpeedTouch 330 has been supported in NetBSD since version 1.5 of the OS.
The things you need to know before proceeding
You need know the VPI and VCI numbers of your provider.
Some VPIs and VCIs are listed here:
You will also need your login and password to connect to your ISP.
For Neostrada in Poland the login is:
Getting the userspace tools
It's a good idea to download the userspace tools before installing NetBSD.
Links to the NetBSD-3.1 userspace tools binaries:
Links to the NetBSD-2.1 userspace tools binaries:
Once downloaded, store the files on a floppy or burn them to a CD-R(W) disc.
Installing the user space tools
If you have the tools on a floppy, execute as root:
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0a <the directory where you mount your floppy drive>
cd <the dir where you mount your floppy>
pkg_add userppp-001107nb1.tgz
pkg_add speedtouch-1.3.1nb4.tgz
If you have the tools on a CD:
mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a <the directory where you mount your cdrom>
cd <the dir where you mount your cdrom>
pkg_add userppp-001107nb1.tgz
pkg_add speedtouch-1.3.1nb4.tgz
If you have them elsewhere, I'm sure that you know what to do
Configuring the tools
Create a file 'ppp.conf' and paste the code below to it:
ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
set log Phase Chat IPCP CCP tun command
set ifaddr
set login
set authname <LOGIN>
set authkey <PASSWORD>
set device !"/usr/pkg/sbin/pppoa3 -c -m 1 -vpi <VPI> -vci <VCI> -d /dev/ugen0"
accept chap
set speed sync
set timeout 0
set reconnect 10 100
add default HISADDR
enable dns
Now replace with your login, with your password, and with your provider's vpi and vci numbers respectively.
Now copy the file to /usr/pkg/etc/ppp/ppp.conf
mkdir /usr/pkg/etc/ppp
cp ppp.conf /usr/pkg/etc/ppp/ppp.conf
Starting the connection
Issue as root:
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/adsl /etc/rc.d
cd /etc/rc.d
./adsl forcestart
You should have a working connection now Check it by issuing:
If something went wrong look for clues in the file /var/log/messages. And if you still have problems, feel free to drop me an e-mail with the description of the problem with the output of /var/log/messages.
My e-mail: ayrie3 (at) gmail (dot) com
To start the connection automatically at boot-time issue as root:
echo "adsl=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf
nzk @ NetBSD (freenode) for helping me out with the linguistic aspect of the article.