What it does:
Offer a system to generate binary updates for NetBSD (NOT patches), install, remove with full "rollback to previous state" support, and manage them. Simple dependencies are allowed. It also allows auto-generating security advisories from update data.
Without further ado, here's how to use it.
Update producer: (people who create updates)
1. Write the .plist file to describe the update, and put it online.
Update the index file to include the update id. (for example,
Examples for updates are available:
The index file looks like this:
Note the directory hierarchy: the year is important; everything
else can be tuned, but the structure. For now.
2. Maintain a build directory for ports you want to generate updates
for. This is "obj-dir" in the config file (/etc/haze/haze.conf):
obj-dir /usr/netbsd/objdir/xphyre/destdir.%m
Haze knows to replace "%m" with the machine type. The default is
"/usr/obj/%s-%r/destdir.%m", where "%s" will be replaced by the
string "NetBSD", and "%r" will be replaced by the release, for
example, "4.0".
To keep this directory up-to-date, all the producer has to do is
run the build after the source is updated with the fix.
3. Maintain a list of "targets" you want to monitor. Haze calls a
combination of OS-release-machine a "target". For example,
"NetBSD-4.0-amd64" is a target. By default, Haze will only generate
updates for the host it runs on. You can override that, though:
generate-targets NetBSD-4.0-amd64 NetBSD-4.0-i386 NetBSD-3.0-amd64 NetBSD-3.0-i386
4. After the new files are built, generate updates. This is done using
the -G flag. For example, if you just rebuilt for
NetBSD-UP2007-0001, and want to generate updates for it:
haze -G -U NetBSD-UP2007-0001
The updates will show up in the output dir, /tmp by default, and
will be in the form of NetBSD-UP2007-0001-4.0-amd64.tar.gz.
5. Put the updates online, in the Updates/ directory. For example,
this would be a valid URL to an update package:
Update consumer: (people who apply updates)
1. Make sure there's a /etc/haze directory and that it's writable by
the user Haze is running as. I would elaborate on this too much,
but you *should* be able to tell Haze to perform updating on a
specified root directory, and then do the sync yourself, if you
don't trust running Haze as root. If you do:
mkdir /etc/haze
Everything else, including the configuration file and local
database, will be created by Haze automagically. You can inspect
the default values used in haze.h.
2. By default, things should pretty much Just Work. Therefore, here
are some usage examples:
Show the batch of updates waiting to be installed:
haze -B
Install all pending updates:
Show locally known updates (including installed, ignored, and not applicable updates):
haze -L
Install a specific update:
haze -U NetBSD-UP2006-0001
Rollback an update:
haze -R -U NetBSD-UP2006-0001
View details about an update:
haze -V -U NetBSD-UP2006-0001
Explicitly ignore an update:
haze -i -U NetBSD-UP2006-0001
Operate in dummy mode, and just print stuff you'd do:
haze -x ...
Generate a security advisory skeleton for an update:
haze -S -U NetBSD-UP2006-0001
List available command line options:
haze -h