NetBSD Wiki/summits/
AsiaBSDCon 2015 NetBSD BoF
NetBSD BOF 2015
- Day 2: Room E 2015/3/13 18:30-21:00
- streaming
- Taylor R Campbell (riastradh@), A brief overview of DRM/KMS and its status in NetBSD. slides(pdf)
- Kazuya Goda - Development of vxlan(4) using rump kernel. slides(pdf)
- Makoto Fujiwara (mef@), List of packages to be updated out of 12,000. slides
- Jun Ebihara (jun@), RPI/RPI2/Cubieboard2/BananaPI images.
- Ryo Onodera (ryoon@),How to package github softwares. slides(odp) slides(pdf)
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