The existing puffs protocol gives a way to forward kernel-level file system actions to a userspace process. This project generalizes that protocol to allow forwarding file system actions arbitrarily across a network. This will make it possible to mount any kernel file system type from any location on the network, given a suitable arrangement of components.

The file system components to be used are puffs and rump. puffs is used to forward local file system requests from the kernel to userspace and rump is used to facilitate running the kernel file system in userspace as a service daemon.

The milestones are the following:

The end result will look something like this:

# start serving ffs from /dev/wd0a on port 12675
onehost> ffs_serv -p 12675 /dev/wd0a
# start serving cd9660 from /dev/cd0a on port 12676
onehost> cd9660_serv -p 12675 /dev/cd0a

# meanwhile in outer space, mount anotherhost from port 12675
anotherhost> mount_puffs -t tcp onehost:12675 /mnt
anotherhost> mount
anotherhost:12675 on /mnt type <negotiated>
anotherhost> cd /mnt
anotherhost> ls
  ... etc

The implementor should have some familiarity with file systems and network services.

Any proposal should include answers to at least the following questions: