**Contents** [[!toc levels=3]] # Introduction The purpose of this document is to guide you on how to track NetBSD CVS source repository with [git][12]. We are going to make a "bulk import" and by this is meant that not all the CVS checkins with comments are going to be imported. If we wanted so, we would use the [git-cvsimport(1)][13] tool. [12]: http://git.or.cz/ (http://git.or.cz/) [13]: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-cvsimport.html (http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-cvsimport.html) # Download current source To begin with, we must have a current CVS snapshot of the NetBSD source tree. I assume you already have one in `/usr/src-git`. If not, please consult [this article][14] in the official NetBSD documentation page. [14]: http://www.netbsd.org/docs/current/#downloading (http://www.netbsd.org/docs/current/#downloading) # Symbiosis Since both CVS and Git are going to live together inside the same directory, it is essential to hide each one from the other. That is because we don't want CVS to track git files or vice versa. For this purpose we need two files inside the root directory of our source tree. ## .cvsignore Create a file named `.cvsignore` inside `/usr/src-git` and put the following lines in it: .git/ .gitignore ## .gitignore Create a file named `.gitignore` inside `/usr/src-git` and put the following lines in it: CVS/ .cvsignore # Initial import of NetBSD CVS source repository # cd /usr/src-git # git init Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/src-git/.git/ # git add . # git commit -m "Initial import of the NetBSD CVS source repository" # Keeping the git repository uptodate with CVS From time to time, we update the main git repository with the latest changes from CVS. # cvs update -dPA # git add . # git commit -a -m "Update to latest CVS snapshot" # Done You can examine the log: # cd /usr/src-git # git log commit 9fe7a0469a8ef58fd5b484c0931808a2d23f559e Author: Charlie Date: Mon Nov 24 01:17:31 2008 +0200 Update to latest CVS snapshot commit 78189d3fa331073021eaea88d1f51f3487d756b7 Author: Charlie Date: Mon Nov 24 00:59:47 2008 +0200 Initial import of the NetBSD CVS source repository # Or create a crazy branch to work on, offline, without being embarassed if it ends up as a dead end. # cd /usr/src-git # git branch * master # git checkout -b crazy-branch Switched to a new branch "crazy-branch" # git branch -a * crazy-branch master # # References [Using git to track firefox cvs][15] [15]: https://web.archive.org/web/20130206165726/http://www.bluishcoder.co.nz/2007/06/using-git-to-track-firefox-cvs.html (http://www.bluishcoder.co.nz/2007/06/using-git-to-track-firefox-cvs.html)