[[!meta title="Release Engineering"]] # NetBSD Release Engineering This page contains various information about NetBSD Release Engineering, including status information about various branches, pointers to release engineering procedures and other documentation, and the status of various branches. ## Next Major Release The next major release will be NetBSD 11.0 (not branched yet) ## Active Major Releases ### NetBSD 10.x * Next minor release: NetBSD 10.1 (no schedule) + CVS branch tag: netbsd-10 * [Current pull-up queue for the netbsd-10 branch](http://releng.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/req-10.cgi) ### NetBSD 9.x * Next minor release: NetBSD 9.4 (scheduled for mid Apil 2024) + CVS branch tag: netbsd-9 * [Current pull-up queue for the netbsd-9 branch](http://releng.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/req-9.cgi) ### NetBSD 8.x * Next minor release: NetBSD 8.3 (scheduled for end of April 2024, which also is end of support for this branch) + CVS branch tag: netbsd-8 * [Current pull-up queue for the netbsd-8 branch](http://releng.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/req-8.cgi) ## Automated Status Information * [Daily build snapshot status](http://releng.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/builds.cgi) * [Test results page](http://releng.netbsd.org/test-results.html) ## Developer Documentation * [Submitting Pull-up requests](http://www.netbsd.org/developers/releng/pullups.html) ## Release Engineer Documentation * [[Pull-up workflow and policies|workflow]] * [[Long and mid-term releng chores|releng-todo]]