Installing a MySQL server is easy. The fastest way is to install the binary package. If you wish to use Apache and PHP, please read the article [[How to install a LAMP Server]]. # pkg_add -v mysql-server If you decide to install via pkgsrc, because of a newer version, just enter: # cd /usr/pkgsrc/databases/mysql57-server/ # make install clean It will automatically compile the client and the server. That's it... almost. Now copy the rc.d script into /etc/rc.d/: # cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/mysqld /etc/rc.d/ and start the MySQL server via NetBSD's [[!template id=man name="rc.d" section="8"]] framework. Only one modification is needed to [[!template id=man name="rc.conf" section="5"]]: # echo "mysqld=yes" >> /etc/rc.conf If you want to copy the rc.d scripts automatically with pkgsrc, you can use: PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS=YES into mk.conf(5). If MySQL is not starting up, you may need to create and set permissions on the /var/mysql directory and set up the default MySQL DB: # mkdir /var/mysql # mysql_install_db # chown -R mysql:mysql /var/mysql The default MySQL server database root password is auto-generated and marked expired upon creation. For security reasons, you should set your root password as soon as possible. If you need information about the MySQL server package, use the following: # pkg_info mysql-server Have fun. ## See also * [[pkgsrc/How_to_install_a_LAMP_Server]]