This page lists various [coccinelle]( scripts used for NetBSD: * [*aprint_\*()* to *aprint_\*_dev()* possible replacements]( Note that the script uses virtual identifiers, so pass the appropriate functions as argument to **spatch**. For example: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # This will show possible aprint_debug to aprint_debug_dev replacements $ spatch -sp_file aprint2aprint_dev.cocci -D aprint=aprint_debug -D aprint_dev=aprint_debug_dev -dir /path_to_directory/ ... # This will show possible aprint_normal to aprint_normal_dev replacements $ spatch -sp_file aprint2aprint_dev.cocci -D aprint=aprint_normal -D aprint_dev=aprint_normal_dev -dir /path_to_directory/ """]] ... and so forth. * [use __arraycount() where possible](