This is the NetBSD System Manager's Manual, derived from the [bsdwiki book]( **Contents** [[!toc levels=3]] # Installing and Upgrading NetBSD ## Recognize the installation program used by NetBSD ## Recognize which commands are available for upgrading ## Understand the difference between a pre-compiled binary and compiling from source ## Understand when it is preferable to install a pre-compiled binary and how to do so if cpu power is low and or disk space is limited. ## Recognize the available methods for compiling a customized binary ## Determine what software is installed on a system To obtain a list of all third-party software installed on a NetBSD system using the [pkgsrc]( package management system, execute the [[!template id=man name="pkg_info" section="1"]] command with no arguments. $ pkg_info ## Determine which software requires upgrading To determine which software requires upgrading, you have to install pkg_chk first, which is available in [pkgtools/pkg_chk]( from pkgsrc. When done, asure that your pkgsrc tree is up to date and enter: # pkg_chk -q -u to see which packages needs to be upgraded. ## Upgrade installed software There are many ways to upgrade installed software use one of the following * pkgtools/[pkg_rolling-replace]( * pkgtools/[pkg_chk]( or use `make update` in the pkgsrc directory of the package that needs to be updated. ## Determine which software have outstanding security advisories You can use pkgsrc's auditing feature to (periodicaly) check for package vulnerabilites. Install [security/audit-packages]( first. _If you dont know how to install a package, read the section about installing packages, or the [pkgsrc user guide]( To audit the packages, you have to download the vulnerability list: # download-vulenability-list You can put the following to your crontab to automate this: 0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list >/dev/null 2>&1 This will update the vulnerability list every day at 3AM. You may wish to do this more often than once a day. You can also ask NetBSD to include the vulnerability check in the security report: Put this into `/etc/security.local`: if [ -x /usr/pkg/sbin/audit-packages ]; then /usr/pkg/sbin/audit-packages fi ## Follow the instructions in a security advisory to apply a security patch # Securing the NetBSD Operating System ## Determine the system's security level See the value of `kern.securelevel` (cf. [[!template id=man name="sysctl" section="8"]]) : $ sysctl kern.securelevel kern.securelevel = 1 ## Recognize basic recommended access methods ## Configure an SSH server according to a set of requirements Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`. When all seems fine, relaunch [[!template id=man name="sshd" section="8"]] daemon with : # /etc/rc.d/sshd restart If you are working remotely via an SSH connexion, don't worry: with privileges separation (as default), your working connexion won't be claused. ## Configure an SSH server to use a key pair for authentication In `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`, uncomment lines: PasswordAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no If you want to connect as root (don't do this), at least use keys with: PermitRootLogin without-password Don't forget to relaunch daemon. ## Preserve existing SSH host keys during a system upgrade The SSH keys live under `/etc/ssh`. Just [[!template id=man name="tar" section="1"]] up all key files and extract the archive on the new system. ## Recognize alternate authentication mechanisms ## Recognize alternate authorization schemes ## Recognize firewalls and rulesets To see input rules: # ipfstat -hin `-o` (instead of `-i`) option gives output rules. `-6` option manipulates IPv6 rules. `-n` display groups and rules numbers, useful when searching from logs. IPNAT rules can be listed with: # ipnat -l ## Recognize utilities that shape traffic or control bandwidth ## Recognize mechanisms for encrypting devices $ man cgd ## Recognize methods for verifying the validity of binaries By default, `/etc/daily` launch `/etc/security` which uses [[!template id=man name="mtree" section="8"]]. To check if [[!template id=man name="veriexec" section="4"]] is up: $ sysctl kern.veriexec.strict kern.veriexec.strict=1 Read [veriexec chapter]( from [NetBSD Guide]( for more information. ## Enable exploit mitigation Follow advices in [[!template id=man name="security" section="7"]] man page. ## Recognize methods for restraining a service * [[!template id=man name="chroot" section="8"]] * [[!template id=man name="systrace" section="1"]] * [Xen]( ## Modify the system banner Edit `/etc/motd`. You can also add a banner before SSH connexion; to do that, add: Banner /etc/ssh/issue in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` and put what you want to be displayed before SSH auth in file `/etc/ssh/issue`. # Files, Filesystems and Disks ## Mount or unmount local filesystems To mount a file system, use the [[!template id=man name="mount" section="8"]] command. The general syntax is: # mount [options] device_node mount_point The available options may be found in the man page. Typically, it will be necessary to at least use the `-t` command to specify the type of filesystem to be mounted. For example, to mount a CD-ROM device, specify the ISO 9660 format with a command like the following: # mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0d /mnt/cdrom To unmount a mounted filesystem, use the [[!template id=man name="umount" section="8"]] command. To unmount the mounted filesystem `/mnt/cdrom`, simply execute: # umount /mnt/cdrom Note that unmounting a filesystem will fail if any running process has a directory in that filesystem as its present working directory. For example: # mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0d /mnt/cdrom # cd /mnt/cdrom # umount /mnt/cdrom umount: /mnt/cdrom: Device busy # cd # umount /mnt/cdrom # ## Configure data to be available through NFS Let's share `/export/data`. Create the file `/etc/exports` as: $ cat /etc/exports /export/data -maproot=nobody -ro -network -mask Here, the file system will be read only (option `-ro`), available only for clients from `` and root access from clients will be mapped as `nobody` access on server (we don't have confidence with our clients). The syntax and options are documented in [[!template id=man name="exports" section="5"]]. We have to start [[!template id=man name="rpcbind" section="8"]], [[!template id=man name="mountd" section="8"]], [[!template id=man name="rpc.lockd" section="8"]], [[!template id=man name="nfsd" section="8"]] and [[!template id=man name="rpc.statd" section="8"]]. In order to do that, edit `/etc/rc.conf` and set: rpcbind=YES rpcbind_flags="-l" mountd=YES nfs_server=YES statd=YES lockd=YES The flag `-l` tells [[!template id=man name="rpcbind" section="8"]] to use _libwrap_ ([[!template id=man name="hosts_options" section="5"]]). Edit the `/etc/hosts.access` and set: rpcbind: ALLOW to allow clients to connect to the server. On the clients, we have to start [[!template id=man name="rpcbind" section="8"]], [[!template id=man name="rpc.statd" section="8"]] and [[!template id=man name="rpc.lockd" section="8"]]; edit `/etc/rc.conf` and set: rpcbind=YES rpcbind_flags="-l" nfs_client=YES statd=YES lockd=YES Now, lets mount the file system on the client: # mount -o ro server:/export/data /data $ mount | grep data server:/export/data on /data type nfs (read-only) Don't forget to add a line in `/etc/fstab` ([[!template id=man name="fstab" section="5"]]): server:/export/data /data nfs ro 0 0 to mount the file system at boot time. That's all. See the NetBSD Guide [[1]]( for more details. ## Determine which filesystems are currently mounted and which will be mounted at system boot A list of currently mounted filesystems can be obtained by running the [[!template id=man name="mount" section="8"]] command without any arguments. The file [[!template id=man name="fstab" section="5"]] in `/etc` contains information about which files are mounted at system boot and what options they are mounted with, whether they should be [[!template id=man name="fsck" section="8"]]ed and if so in what order, etc. ## Determine disk capacity and which files are consuming the most disk space Disk capacity: $ df -h Find the size of files in a directory: $ du -sk Report by file size: $ du -k | sort -n ## Create and view symbolic or hard links Symbolic link: $ ln -s sourcefile targetfile Hard link: $ ln sourcefile targetfile ## View file permissions and modify them using either symbolic or octal mode View file permissions: $ ls -l filename Change file permissions $ chmod 644 filename ## Modify a file's owner or group The [[!template id=man name="chown" section="8"]] command can be used to modify a file's owner or group. To change the owner of the file `somefile` to the user `someuser`, execute: chown someuser somefile Similarly, to change the group of the file `somefile` to the group `somegroup`, execute: chown :somegroup somefile If you like, can change both the group and owner of a file with a single command. To implement both of the modifications made by the two commands above, execute: chown someuser:somegroup somefile Note that there is also a [[!template id=man name="chgrp" section="1"]] command to change the group of a file. To change the group of the file `somefile` to the group `somegroup`, execute: chgrp somegroup somefile ## Backup and restore a specified set of files and directories to local disk or tape Create your (compressed) archive with: $ tar cvfz backup.tgz somedirectory/ * `c` option: create the archive, * `z` option: compress the archive whith [[!template id=man name="gzip" section="1"]], * `f` option: output to a file; if you miss this option, [[!template id=man name="tar" section="1"]] will output archive to `/dev/st0` (default tape), * `v` option: verbose output ie. files added to archive will be displayed. To restore, use: $ tar xzpf backup.tgz * `x` option: extract the archive, * `p` option: preserve ownership. See also [[!template id=man name="pax" section="1"]] and [[!template id=man name="cpio" section="1"]]. ## Backup and restore a file system # dump 0f - | (cd /altroot; retore rf -) See [[!template id=man name="dump" section="8"]] and [[!template id=man name="restore" section="8"]]. ## Backup using ffs snapshots Snapshots allows to work with an atomic file system copy taken at a the time of the snapshot. This is very useful to for instance backup a file system on which there may be running database applications such as PostgreSQL, without the need to stop and restart the database application. See [[!template id=man name="fssconfig" section="8"]] and [[!template id=man name="fss" section="4"]] for more details. Here for the sake of an example we will suppose that we want to backup a live `/` file system using `rsync` to a `/backup` file system. Let's first create the "atomic" snapshot of the `/` file system: # fssconfig -cx fss0 / /tmp/back We now have configured the device `/dev/fss0` to be a snapshot mirror of the `/` file system, using a temporary log of `/tmp/back` to which new writes will be added for as long as the snapshot device is configured. This file will be automatically deleted at device unconfiguration because of the optional `-x` switch. You may now use that device with the `dump` command or mount it and use other backup commands such as `pax`, `tar` or `rsync` as you wish. # mount -o ro /dev/fss0 /mnt We have now mounted the atomic copy of the file system to `/mnt`. Let's update our `/backup` file system from it: # rsync -vaHx --delete /mnt/ /backup/ So our "atomic" live backup is done and we now no longer need our snapshot: # umount /mnt # fssconfig -u fss0 ## Determine the directory structure of a system ## Manually run the file system checker and repair tool For FFS filesystems (example, in this case is the first slice on your first IDE hard disk): # fsck /dev/rwd0a The `-y` option should be added with caution: [[!template id=man name="fsck" section="8"]] assumes yes as the default answer for all its questions. Use it at your own risks. ## View and modify file flags use chflags to modify file flags, for example: $ chflag uchange pkgsrc.tar.gz $ ls -lo pkgsrc.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 zafer users uchg 32072480 May 19 09:12 pkgsrc.tar.gz ## Monitor the virtual memory system # Users and Accounts Management ## Protect authentication data ## Create, modify and remove user accounts create # useradd -m johndoe delete # userdel johndoe modify # usermod -m -d /home/foo johndoe ## Create a system account ## Control which files are copied to a new user's home directory during account creation The _-k_ option of the [[!template id=man name="useradd" section="8"]] command can be used to specify a "skeleton directory". The contents of the specified skeleton directory will be copied to the new user's home directory. If no skeleton directory is specified with _-k_, the default of `/etc/skel/` is used. ## Change a password The [[!template id=man name="passwd" section="1"]] command can be used to change a password. Executing passwd with no arguments will change the password of the executing user. The existing password must be supplied before changes can be made. The new password must be entered identically twice, to ensure the password is not set to a misspelling of the intended password. The process looks something like this - note that passwords do not echo: $ passwd Changing local password for user. Old password: New password: Retype new password: The superuser may change the password of an arbitrary user by supplying that user's name as the only argument to passwd. Root does not need to supply the user's existing password, and may simply supply a new one. The process looks something like this: # passwd user Changing local password for user. New password: Retype new password ## Force the user to change their password upon next login # usermod -F johndoe ## Change the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the password database The encryption algorithm or algorithms used to encrypt the password database are specified in the [[!template id=man name="passwd.conf" section="5"]] file in `/etc`. The syntax of the file is straightforward and is made clear by the following example, taken from the man page: _Use MD5 as the local cipher and old-style DES as the YP cipher. Use blowfish with 2^5 rounds for root:_ default: localcipher = md5 ypcipher = old root: localcipher = blowfish,5 The algorithm choices are: `old', `newsalt,', `md5', `sha1,', and `blowfish,'. Consult the man page for details on allowable round parameters. ## Change a user's default shell Make your market in `/etc/shells` file and pick up one. For example, we want to change the shell of _johndoe_ to `/bin/ksh`: # chsh -s /bin/ksh johndoe or # chpass -s /bin/ksh johndoe See [[!template id=man name="chsh" section="1"]] for mor details. ## Lock a user account or reset a locked user account Lock # usermod -C yes johndoe Unlock # usermod -C no johndoe ## Determine identity and group membership $ id ## Determine who is currently on the system or the last time a user was on the system Enter $ w to determine who is currently on the system. Enter $ last to determine the last time a user was on the system. ## Enable accounting and view system usage statistics # Basic System Administration ## Determine which process are consuming the most CPU The [[!template id=man name="top" section="1"]] command displays and regularly updates a list of top CPU consuming processes. The list includes details such as the command used to create the process, the user who ran that command, the process' PID, what state the process is currently in and how much memory and CPU time the process is consuming. ## View and send signals to active processes The [[!template id=man name="ps" section="1"]] command can be used to view a list of names and details (such as PID) currently active processes. Exactly which processes and what details about them are displayed can be customised using the options described in the man page. To get the default details of _all_ processes, execute: $ ps ax Sending signals to processes is done using the [[!template id=man name="kill" section="1"]] command. The signal to be sent may be specified either by name (e.g. HUP, INT, QUIT, ABRT, KILL, ALRM, TERM; see also `kill -l` output) or by an integer code, as specified in the man page. The simplest syntax for [[!template id=man name="kill" section="1"]] is: $ kill {signal name or code} pid where `pid` is the PID of the process to be killed. Note that if no signal name or code is specified (i.e. just `kill pid` is used) then a TERM signal is sent by default. Note that it is not typical to immediately know the PID of a process one wants to signal. One can either use the [[!template id=man name="ps" section="1"]] command as described above to find the pid (perhaps with the assistance of [[!template id=man name="grep" section="1"]], or one can use the [[!template id=man name="pkill" section="1"]] command, which works like [[!template id=man name="kill" section="1"]] except that it accepts a process name rather than a PID. ## Use an rc(8) script to determine if a service is running and start, restart or stop it as required To see if a service is running, execute that service's [[!template id=man name="rc" section="8"]] script with an argument of `status`. The output will indicate if that service is running. Not all rc scripts have a `status` option. For example: # /etc/rc.d/sshd status sshd is not running. # /etc/rc.d/sshd start # /etc/rc.d/sshd status sshd is running as pid 383. # /etc/rc.d/sshd stop Note that while every script in `/etc/rc.d` is _supposed_ to accept the `status` argument, many do not. If a service is not running, it can be started by executing its [[!template id=man name="rc" section="8"]] script with an argument of `start`. Once a service is running, it can be restarted or stopped in a similar manner, using the arguments `restart` and `stop`. Note that an rc script can not launch a service if this service is not marked as runable in `/etc/rc.conf` (via `service=YES` entry). ## Configure a service to start at boot time Add or copy the rc skript to /etc/rc.d/ and then add the service to your /etc/rc.conf ## View and configure system hardware View pci bus (use pci0 - 2) $ pcictl /dev/pci0 list ## View, load, or unload a kernel module View $ modstat Load # modload file Unload # modunload -i id See the manual page for lkm.conf(5) for information on how to automatically load modules at boot time. Please note that for this to work, lkm=YES must be set in /etc/rc.conf. Also note the critical_filesystems_local setting in rc.conf(5), which may be required for bootloaded modules located under /usr if /usr is on a separate partition than /. ## Modify a kernel parameter on the fly # sysctl -w = ## View the status of a software RAID mirror or stripe Verify parity: # raidctl -p raid0 /dev/rraid0c: Parity status: clean View configuration and state: # raidctl -s raid0 [[!template id=man name="raidctl" section="8"]] man page is very useful, don't miss it. ## Configure system logging Verify that [[!template id=man name="syslogd" section="8"]] is running. If not, enable it in `/etc/rc.conf` and launch it: # /etc/rc.d/syslogd start The logging daemon is configured with `/etc/syslog.conf` (see [[!template id=man name="syslog.conf" section="5"]]. When you have modified this file, you have to tell to the daemon to reread it: # pkill -HUP syslogd by sending a `SIGHUP`. If you add files in `/etc/syslog.conf`, don't forget to configure rotation in `/etc/newsyslog.conf` ([[!template id=man name="newsyslog.conf" section="5"]]). If the original daemon's filtering features are too poor for you, try [sysutils/syslog-ng]( package. To log signals sent to processes: # sysctl -w kern.logsigexit=1 ## Review log files to troubleshoot and monitor system behavior $ tail -f /var/log/messages |grep daemon Try also these packages: * [misc/root-tail]( or [misc/xtail]( if you use X11, * [misc/colortail]( or [misc/mail]( if you want colors, * [sysutils/wtail]( or [misc/multitail]( to view multiples files. ## Determine which MTA is being used on the system $ less /etc/mailer.conf ## Create or modify email aliases for Sendmail or Postfix ## View the Sendmail or Postfix mail queue $ mailq ## Read mail on the local system $ mail ## Understand basic printer troubleshooting ## Halt, reboot, or bring the system to single-user mode to halt enter: # shutdown -h now to reboot enter either: # reboot or # shutdown -r now to bring the system to single-user mode press any key during boot countdown and then enter: boot -s From multi-user mode, you should: # kill -TERM 1 to return to single-user mode. ## Recognize the difference between hard and soft limits and modify existing resource limits ## Recognize common, possibly third-party, server configuration files ## Configure the scripts that run periodically to perform various system maintenance tasks ## Determine the last system boot time and the workload on the system $ uptime or $ w ## Monitor disk input/output $ iostat -w 1 ## Deal with busy devices ## Determine information regarding the operating system $ uname -a ## Understand the advantages of using a BSD license # Network Administration ## Determine the current TCP/IP settings on a system First, see the interfaces which are connected: $ ifconfig -ls wm0 wm1 wm2 wm3 wm4 lo0 pflog0 vlan0 vlan1 vlan2 vlan3 To see the IP adress of an interface: $ ifconfig vlan3 vlan3: flags=8843 mtu 1500 vlan: 847 parent: wm4 address: 00:04:23:af:f1:e4 inet netmask 0xfffffe00 broadcast We have the MAC (hardware adress, here `00:04:23:af:f1:e4`) and the IP adress with netmask (here `` with ``). Now, we want to know IPv4 routing settings: $ netstat -rn -f inet | head -5 Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Interface default UG1 0 9607369 - wm0 The default route is tagged `default`, here it is `` on `wm0` interface. See [[!template id=man name="ifconfig" section="8"]] and [[!template id=man name="netstat" section="8"]] for more details. ## Set a system's TCP/IP settings # ifconfig fxp0 netmask up ## Determine which TCP or UDP ports are open on a system $ sockstat -cl ## Verify the availability of a TCP/IP service $ sockstat -l ## Query a DNS server Find responsible nameservers for a given domain $ dig ns Query a DNS server $ dig A ## Determine who is responsible for a DNS zone Use [[!template id=man name="dig" section="1"]] to check the SOA section: $ dig soa ; <<>> DiG 9.3.2 <<>> soa ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22618 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN SOA ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 10800 IN SOA 2007032701 21600 10800 2419200 86400 ;; Query time: 163 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sun Jul 1 11:56:27 2007 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 92 The master server is `` and the responsible is `hostmaster [at] netbsd [dot] org`. ## Change the order of name resolution You live in `` but you often work on hosts in ``. To avoid typing FQDN all the time, put this in `/etc/resolv.conf`: nameserver nameserver domain search The first two lines say which DNS servers to use. The third says that the resolver has to search host first in ``. The last tells it search also in ``. After that, you should have: $ host www has address ## Convert a subnet mask between dotted decimal, hexadecimal or CIDR notation Use either: * [net/ipcalc]( * [net/cidr]( * [net/sipcalc]( ## Gather information using an IP address and subnet mask ## Understand IPv6 address theory ## Demonstrate basic tcpdump(1) skills # tcpdump -i fxp0 not port 22 ## Manipulate ARP and neighbor discovery caches View ARP cache $ arp -a ## Configure a system to use NTP * Edit `/etc/ntp.conf` and choose from the list at least two servers, or add two new ones. The time servers should be located as close as possible (network topology) to your server. * Add `ntpd=yes` to `/etc/rc.conf` * Start the ntp daemon by entering: `/etc/rc.d/ntpd start` * Verify the service, by entering `ntpq` and then `peers`. ## View and renew a DHCP lease Renew a DHCP lease # dhcpcd -k # dhcpcd ## Recognize when and how to set or remove an interface alias set alias # ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask alias remove alias # ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask -alias # Basic Unix Skills ## Demonstrate proficiency in using redirection, pipes and tees ### Output redirection $ ls > myfiles.txt runs `ls` and redirects the output in the file myfiles.txt $ ls >> myfiles.txt runs `ls` and appends the output to the file myfiles.txt ### Pipes $ ls -l | wc -l runs `ls -l` and uses its output as the input for the command `wc -l` ## Recognize, view and modify environmental variables ### Viewing environmental variables On sh based shells like sh, ksh, bash this is done with the command `export` $ export On csh, tcsh with `env` $ env ### Modifying environmental variables On sh based shells you assign the variable on the left side the value on the right side using an equal sign. $ export MYVAR="hello kitty" On csh, tcsh to assign use a single space instead of an equal sign. $ setenv MYVAR "hello kitty" ## Be familiar with the vi(1) editor hjkl movement i insert 0 beginning of line $ end of line o/O insert new line x/X delete char w/W Word e/E End of word b/B begin of word dd delete a line yy yank a line ## Determine if a file is a binary, text, or data file The [[!template id=man name="file" section="1"]] command is capable of discerning between executable (binary) files, text files and data files. In many cases it is able to determine further information about data files, e.g. it can recognise image files as being GIFs or JPGs. $ file /bin/sh /bin/sh: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for NetBSD 4.99.72, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped $ file /etc/wscons.conf /etc/wscons.conf: ASCII English text $ file AnsweringMachine.ogg AnsweringMachine.ogg: Ogg data, Vorbis audio, stereo, 44100 Hz, ~256000 bps, created by: Xiph.Org libVorbis I (1.1.0 RC1) $ file photo.jpg photo.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01 ## Locate files and binaries on a system Binaries $ whereis netstat ## Overcome command line length limitations ## Find a file with a given set of attributes ## Create a simple Bourne shell script vi ## Find appropriate documentation $ apropos keyword $ man command ## Recognize the different sections of the manual Sections are from 1 to 9 * 1 General commands manual $ man 1 df * 2 System calls manual $ man 2 lseek * 3 Library functions manual $ man 3 sprintf * 4 Kernel interfaces manual $ man 4 null * 5 File formats manual $ man 5 exports * 6 Games manual $ man 6 tetris * 7 Miscellanea $ man 7 me * 8 System manager's manual $ man 8 reboot * 9 Kernel developer's manual $ man 9 kauth ## Verify a file's message digest fingerprint (checksum) Depending on what sort of digest is used enter either: $ md5 _filename_ or $ sha1 _filename_ and compare the output. ## Demonstrate familiarity with the default shell ## Use job control List jobs $ jobs -l Put job into background # /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb & Put job into foreground # fg pid Put job into background # bg pid ## Demonstrate proficiency with regular expressions ## Understand various "domain" contexts ## Configure an action to be scheduled by cron(8) There are two ways to accomplish this task. You either put the cronjob in the global crontab file `/etc/crontab` or you edit your own crontab with `crontab -e`. $ crontab -e (this command invokes your favorite text editor specified by `$EDITOR` environment variable or `VISUAL`, by default `/usr/bin/vi`). Add a cronjob: 0 23 * * * sh /my/home/shellskript Here, the script will be run all days at 23:00. The fields order is minute, hour, day of month, month and day of week; the last field is the command to run. See [[!template id=man name="crontab" section="5"]] for details. List your current crontab: $ crontab -l As root you can see and edit any users crontab by supplying `-u` username # crontab -l -u john or edit it # crontab -e -u john When using the global `/etc/crontab` you have to supply the user who is executing the cronjob: # vi /etc/crontab 0 22 * * * john sh /johns/work/shellskript