[[!meta title="EuroBSDCon 2015 NetBSD Summit"]] ## Details There will be a NetBSD developer summit the day before EuroBSDCon in Stockholm this year: Friday, 2015-10-02, at: SUNET Tulegatan 11, 3rd floor, Stockholm, Sweeden (See [[https://goo.gl/maps/XSlWB]]) Times are not fixed yet, but assume 10:00 to 16:00 for now. Lunch at either at 11:00 or 13:00 (in-between those hours it's too crowded), assume it'll be 13:00. Restaurants nearby offers the following courses: American (hamburgers), Indian, Italian (pasta, pizza), Junk food (McDonalds etc.), Korean, Persian, Japanese (sushi etc), Swedish plain food, Thai, Turkish (kebab), Vegan (every good). Lunch costs around 70kr-130kr (Swedish kronas). ### NetBSD Dinner We plan to join the SUNET monthly beer event after the main summit, and later either split up for different meal preferences (optionally meeting again later for more beverages), or, if we can find a place and get enough votes for this option, try to organize a group dinner at some restaurant. Please enter your choice and optional meal preferences in the attandents table below. With the current amount of attendees that wants a joint dinner, it's fewer alternatives that have space for all of us. Joint dinner suggestion: Persian , excellent grilled food / stews, ok sized portions, good vegetarian alternatives, low noise level (the complete opposite to an irish pub), and little bit more expensive. Their dinner menu is only available in Swedish, see [[http://shahrzad.se/menyer/middag/]] for what they have to offer. ## Planning to attend? [[!table data=""" First Last | `login@` | prefer group dinner? | meal preferences | Saturday social? | comment(s) Martin Husemann | martin | yes | eating everything tasty | yes | | Fredrik Pettai | pettai | yes | rather quality than quantity | | Mateusz Kocielski | shm | yes | none | yes | Justin Cormack | justin | yes | none | | Marc Balmer | mbalmer | yes | same as pettai | | Tobias Nygren | tnn | yes | Julian Coleman | jdc | yes | vegetarian| yes | Niclas Rosenvik | nros | yes | none | Anders Magnusson | ragge | yes | same as Marc | | Stephen Borrill | sborrill | yes | local beer would be nice | no | Havard Eidnes | he | yes | no particulars | no | Valery Ushakov | uwe | yes | | no | S.P. Zeidler | spz | yes | | yes | Michael van Elst | mlelstv | yes | | yes | Alexander Nasonov| alnsn | no | | yes | Andreas Gustafsson| gson | yes | | no | Jörg Sonnenberger | joerg | yes | eating everything tasty | yes | | Bernd Ernesti | veego | yes | same as ragge | yes | Not joining the beer event | Adrian Steinmann | ast | yes | Yes, I'll taste that | yes | Taylor Campbell | riastradh | yes | vegetarian | no? | Masao Uebayashi | uebayasi | yes | none | yes | """]] ## Planning to present something? [[!table data=""" Speaker |Title | Slides `login@` |_Very Interesting Thing_ | pettai@ | Welcome, housekeeping etc. | martin@ | releng status update | joerg@ | clang status update | ragge@ | PCC internals | msaitoh@ | IIJ's work (over video conf) | [[http://www.execsw.org/~msaitoh/EuroBSDCon2015-devsummit-IIJ-20151001-6.pdf]] gson@ | The NetBSD test stack | [[http://www.netbsd.org/~gson/NetBSD-test-stack.pdf]] riastradh@ | random stuff... | [[https://www.netbsd.org/~riastradh/tmp/20151002/entropy.pdf]] ast@ | pivot_root quo vadis? | [[http://www.netbsd.org/~ast/PivotRootQuoVadis.pdf]] pettai@ | Something security related... | [[tutorials/howto_bootstrap_the_ePass2003_smartcard]] """]] ## Discussions * voting procedure (yes, again?) * release cycle ## Varia * git experiences with the new wip hosting