[[!meta title="NetBSD 9.0 preliminary tasklist"]] ## PRs worth fixing (carried over unclosed PRs from [[netbsd8]]) * ~~[[!template id=pr number=53053]]: non-MULTIPROCESSOR hangs building Go~~ (still reproducable with newer go?) [[!template id=pr number=53173]]: "go test net/http" locks up the machine (both PRs tied /!\ ) * ~~[[!template id=pr number=53016]]: Clock not stable /!\~~ * ~~[[!template id=pr number=53017]]: Kernel panics every now and then with "fpusave_lwp: did not" message~~ * [[!template id=pr number=53155]]: Wedge after <12h uptime when >2 bnx network interfaces in use /!\ * ~~[[!template id=pr number=53161]]: ATF test runs leave a rump_server process around~~ * ~~[[!template id=pr number=53286]]: hdaudio(4), iwm(4) and rtsx(4) detections fail in UEFI case /!\~~ * [[!template id=pr number=53291]]: GPT prevents installation Regression since [[netbsd8]]: * [[!template id=pr number=53128]]: Boot says "default boot twice, skipping..." * ~~[[!template id=pr number=54074]]: Test cases ending in 32 fail on sparc64 since jemalloc update~~ * ~~[[!template id=pr number=54089]]: vax installer does not boot (init dies)~~ * ~~[[!template id=pr number=54093]]: Recent test regressions on sparc~~ * [[!template id=pr number=54300]]: lib/libutil/t_snprintb test regression on sparc * [[!template id=pr number=54345]]: kernel diagnostic assertion "xfer != NULL" in wdc.c * ~~[[!template id=pr number=54503]]: Panic during attaching nvme(4) when # of logical CPUs >= 32 ? /!\~~ * [[!template id=pr number=54727]]: writing a large file causes unreasonable system behaviour (may not be a regression, but became more noticable with -9) * [[!template id=pr number=54761]]: nvme corruption on GENERIC without DIAGNOSTIC * [[!template id=pr number=54771]]: nvme(4) fails to attach ## Bug Bountys PRs in the above list marked with /!\ are likely hard and critical, and have a bug bounty of $100 attached. If you find a solution for one of the marked issues that leads to closing of the PRs, we will get in touch with you. ## Features to finish/implement * IPF/PF deprecation in favour of NPF - TODO: docs, what features to add to NPF ... * ATA/NCQ - variants of [[!template id=pr number=48214]] "clearing WDCTL_RST failed" during boot - problem still present on some configurations - ~~[[!template id=pr number=52783]] parallel fsck hangs during boot of 8.99.[5678]~~ (done) - ~~[[!template id=pr number=52614]] qemu virtual CD-ROM reports read errors since recent wdc changes~~ (done) - ~~[[!template id=pr number=53183]] System stops servicing I/O requests and eventually deadlocks~~ (done) * UBC using direct map - removal of pmap_enter()/pmap_remove()/pmap_update() for read()/write()-based I/O - [[!template id=pr number=54759]] (vm.ubc_direct deadlock when read()/write() into mapping of itself) - [[!template id=pr number=53124]] (FFS is slow because pmap_update doesn't scale) - confirmed working on amd64, alpha, aarch64 - ~~need sysctl to more easily turn on, will be left off by default for 9.0~~ (done) * XEN AVX working - ~~[[!template id=pr number=50332]] AVX instructions don't work but OSXSAVE flag is set~~ (done) * ZFS * ~~~kASan for amd64~~~ (done) * ~~~kASan for aarch64~~~ (done) * ~~~compiler-rt in the base with enabled features for Clang/LLVM~~~ (done) * LVM mirror target * ~~~add NVMM~~~ (done) * ~~~plug kernel pointer leaks~~~ (done) * ~~~fix Nouveau, some GPUs stopped working after the update~~~ (done) * umb(4) confirmed working with network traffic ## Nice to have * ~~~arm: GENERIC kernel config for armv7 boards.~~~ (done) * ~~~arm64: Support for servers following SBSA/SBBR standards~~~ (done) * ~~~updated graphics drivers~~~ (done) * PVHVM and PVH * ~~~ARM64 ACPI~~~ (done) * WireGuard * expand x86 intr masks to allow up to 56 interrupts per CPU and hence 40 MSI/MSI-X on cpu0 [[http://mail-index.netbsd.org/current-users/2018/12/01/msg034728.html]] ## Nice to have, but likely won't be finished on time * ~~~merge pgoyette-compat~~~ (done) * ~~~address failing ptrace(2) tests, cover the remaining scenarios (there are planned ~2k ATF tests total for the elementary functionality)~~~ (done in the scope for 9.0) * ~~~rework semantics of threading operations in ptrace(2)~~~ (done) ## Abandoned for 9.0 * ~~~gcc 8+ from a sanitizers point of view~~~ (abandoned) ## Current status and timeline * release candidate 1 is available [[https://www.netbsd.org/releases/formal-9/]] * several important fixes queued for pullup after RC1, releng decided to do a second RC * expecting RC2 around mid of december 2019 * final release hopefully (very) early january 2020