[[!template id=project title="Virtual network stacks" contact=""" [tech-kern](mailto:tech-kern@NetBSD.org), [tech-net](mailto:tech-net@NetBSD.org), [board](mailto:board@NetBSD.org), [core](mailto:core@NetBSD.org) """ category="networking" difficulty="hard" description=""" This project proposal is a subtask of [[smp_networking]] and is elegible for funding independently. The goal of this project is to implement full virtual network stacks. A virtual network stack collects all the global data for an instance of a network stack (excluding `AF_LOCAL`). This includes routing table, data for multiple domains and their protocols, and the mutexes needed for regulating access to it all. Instead, a *brane* is an instance of a networking stack. An interface belongs to a *brane*, as do processes. This can be considered a `chroot(2)` for networking, e.g. `chbrane(2)`. """ ]] [[!tag smp_networking]]