[[!template id=project title="rumpkernel fuzzing (350h)" contact=""" [tech-toolchain](mailto:tech-toolchain@NetBSD.org) """ mentors=""" [Kamil Rytarowski](mailto:kamil@NetBSD.org) """ done_by="Aditya Vardhan Padala" category="analyzers" difficulty="medium" duration="350h" description=""" rumpkernel is a NetBSD kernel code used standalone as a library. fuzzing is an automated testing technique that involved providing random data as input to a computer program. Integrate a selection of fuzzers (libFuzzer, AFL, honggfuzz) with various parts of the rumpkernel codebase. For efficiency reasons the fuzzing process must involve sanitizers. Milestones: * Validate and if needed adapt the sanitizers to be able to perform sanitization of rumpkernels. * Integrate a selection of fuzzers with the rumpkernel codebase * Catch and report detected issues * Validate whether the problems are reproducible on a standalone NetBSD kernel """ ]] [[!tag gsoc]] [[!tag gsoc350h]]