[[!template id=project title="support jails-like features" contact=""" [tech-kern](mailto:tech-kern@NetBSD.org) """ mentors=""" [Jean-Yves Migeon](mailto:jym@NetBSD.org) """ category="kernel" difficulty="hard" description=""" Today a number of OS provide some form of kernel-level virtualization that offer better isolation mechanisms that the traditional (yet more portable) &chroot(2). Currently, NetBSD lacks functionality in this field; there have been multiple attempts ([gaols](http://2008.asiabsdcon.org/papers/P3A-paper.pdf), [mult](http://2008.asiabsdcon.org/papers/P5A-paper.pdf)) to implement a jails-like system, but none so far has been integrated in base. The purpose of this project is to study the various implementations found elsewhere (FreeBSD Jails, Solaris Zones, Linux Containers/VServers, ...), and eventually see their plus/minus points. An additional step would be to see how this can be implemented the various architectural improvements NetBSD gained, especially rump(3) and kauth(9). Caution: this is a research project. """ ]]