[[!template id=project title="DRM 32bit and linux compat code" contact=""" [tech-kern](mailto:tech-kern@NetBSD.org) """ mentors=""" [Maya Rashish](mailto:maya@NetBSD.org) """ category="kernel" difficulty="easy" duration="1-2 months" done_by="Surya Shankar, Christos Zoulas" description=""" NetBSD already has DRM/KMS support. It's implementing all the same calls as linux. Making linux programs running under COMPAT_LINUX aware of this requires some glue. Similarly, running 32-bit programs on a 64-bit host requires some glue code. The 32bit glue code is already written for Linux, so can be a source of inspiration. Milestones: * Create a setup so that a linux glxgears/glxinfo can be tested (software acceleration should already work) * Create glue so linux DRM ioctls are understood as NetBSD DRM ioctls, with no modification. * Test a bigger program * Create a setup for 32bit glxgears/glxinfo. * Adapt linux 32bit compat code, being inspired by existing 32bit compat. * Try to run a bigger program, like 32-bit NetBSD Firefox. """ ]] [[!tag gsoc]]