[[!meta title="NetBSD/evbarm on Hardkernel ODROID-C1 and ODROID-C1+"]] [ODROID-C1](https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-c1-2/) was a $35 quad-core SBC from Hardkernel. ODROID-C1 support was introduced in NetBSD 7.0. It has been succeeded by the [ODROID-C1+](https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-c1/), which is supported by the same NetBSD kernel. [[!toc levels=2]] # Supported hardware - CPU: Cortex-A5: Amlogic S805 (4-core) at 1.5GHz - CPU frequency scaling is supported with machdep.cpu sysctl tree - SMP supported - PL310 L2 cache controller - GIC - A5 global timer - Watchdog timer - "SDHC" and "SDIO" SD/MMC controllers (DMA) - Serial console - Framebuffer console - USB host (OTG) - Gigabit Ethernet (GMAC) - RTL8211F PHY - Hardware random number generator - RTC - GPIO # TODO - USB device mode - IR receiver - I2C - Audio # Installation (NetBSD 8.0 and later) * Start with an ARMv7 image from *evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/* such as *armv7.img*, the latest is [[here|https://nycdn.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/latest/evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/armv7.img]]. * Build U-Boot for ODROID-C1 * Pre-built binaries here: * Write the bootloader to the empty space at the start of the base image: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # dd if=bl1.bin.hardkernel of=armv7.img bs=1 count=442 conv=notrunc # dd if=bl1.bin.hardkernel of=armv7.img bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc # dd if=u-boot.bin.odroidc1 of=armv7.img bs=512 seek=64 conv=notrunc """]] * Write the image to an SD card. - Tested 2021-02-19 with NetBSD-current, christos - serial fights with ucb keyboard. (avoid by short circuiting cngetc in meson_uart.c to return -1) - awge0 does not work reliably (can't even get a dhcp address, stops receiving packets after less than a minute) - machine crashes under load # Installation (NetBSD 7.0/7.1) * Start with an ARMv7 image from *evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/* such as *armv7.img* * Build U-Boot for ODROID-C1 * Pre-built binaries here: * Note the location and size of the FFS partition in the *armv7.img* disklabel: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # $TOOLDIR/bin/nbdisklabel -M evbarm -B le armv7.img ... 8 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a: 1359312 385024 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 188 - 851*) b: 262144 122880 swap # (Cyl. 60 - 187) c: 1744336 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 851*) d: 1744336 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 851*) e: 114688 8192 MSDOS # (Cyl. 4 - 59) """]] * Write the bootloader to the empty space at the start of the base image: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # dd if=bl1.bin.hardkernel of=armv7.img bs=1 count=442 conv=notrunc # dd if=bl1.bin.hardkernel of=armv7.img bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc # dd if=u-boot.bin of=armv7.img bs=512 seek=64 conv=notrunc """]] * Since the bootloader has overwritten the disklabel, we need to re-add partition "a" from the disklabel to the MBR partition table: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # $TOOLDIR/bin/armv7--netbsdelf-eabihf-fdisk -u armv7.img ... Which partition do you want to change?: [none] 1 The data for partition 1 is: sysid: [0..255 default: 169] start: [0..109cyl default: 63, 0cyl, 0MB] 385024 size: [0..85cyl default: 1359312, 85cyl, 664MB] 1359312 ... Which partition do you want to change?: [none] ... Should we write new partition table? [n] y """]] * Write the image to an SD card. * Edit *boot.ini* on the MS-DOS partition. Note that the default boot.ini has `console=fb` in `bootargs`, which you should remove if you want serial console: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" ODROIDC-UBOOT-CONFIG setenv bootargs "root=ld0f awge0.mac-address=${ethaddr} console=fb" setenv bootcmd "fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 netbsd.ub; bootm 0x21000000" run bootcmd """]] * On first boot, it will stop because of the wrong device in /etc/fstab. Take this opportunity to grow the root file-system: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # fdisk -u ld0 ... Which partition do you want to change?: [none] 1 The data for partition 1 is: NetBSD (sysid 169) start 385024, size 1359312 (664 MB, Cyls 23/246/32-108/147/55) PBR is not bootable: All bytes are identical (0x00) sysid: [0..255 default: 169] start: [0..966cyl default: 385024, 24cyl, 188MB] size: [0..942cyl default: 1359312, 85cyl, 664MB] $ ... Which partition do you want to change?: [none] ... Should we write new partition table? [n] y # resize_ffs -y /dev/rld0f # reboot """]] * Next boot, create a new /etc/fstab: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # mount -u -o rw /dev/ld0f / # cat > /etc/fstab << EOF /dev/ld0f / ffs rw 1 1 /dev/ld0e /boot msdos rw 1 1 kernfs /kern kernfs rw ptyfs /dev/pts ptyfs rw procfs /proc procfs rw tmpfs /var/shm tmpfs rw,-m1777,-sram%25 EOF # reboot """]] # HDMI ## Framebuffer console Simply add **console=fb** to the *bootargs* variable in *boot.ini*. ## Video mode HDMI video mode can be selected in U-Boot with the *video* command, e.g.: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" odroidc#video dev open 1080P """]] To make this change permanent, add it to the *bootcmd* variable in *boot.ini*: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" setenv bootcmd "video dev open 1080P; fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 netbsd.ub; bootm 0x21000000" """]] ## 16 or 24 bpp? ODROID-C1 defaults to 16bpp. If you want to try 24bpp, add **fb.depth=24** to the kernel cmdline options in *boot.ini*. There are some issues with 24bpp mode and Xorg; see . ## Overscan compensation If you have ODROID-C1 plugged into a TV, the edges of the screen may not be visible. You can scale down the framebuffer console with the **hw.genfb0.scale** sysctl, e.g.: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # sysctl -w hw.genfb0.scale=95 """]] Setting *scale* to 100 disables scaling, any other value enables the scaler. Values between 10 and 100 are allowed. To set this value at boot, you can add **fb.scale=95** to the kernel cmdline options in *boot.ini*. # SYS_LED The blue SYS_LED on the board is wired to GPIOAO_13. To control the LED from userland, set **gpio=YES** in rc.conf and add this to */etc/gpio.conf*: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" gpio4 13 set out sys_led """]] After rebooting, the LED state can be controlled with [[!template id=man name="gpioctl" section="8"]]. [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # turn the light on gpioctl gpio4 sys_led on # turn the light off gpioctl gpio4 sys_led off # toggle the light state gpioctl gpio4 sys_led toggle """]] # U-Boot Environment To read/write U-Boot environment variables from NetBSD, download and compile the following program: # Automatically booting a backup kernel *These instructions assume the kernels live on eMMC. Adjust devices accordingly for SD card setup.* To setup an ODROID-C1 to fall back to a recovery kernel in the event of a boot failure, install the recovery kernel as /boot/onetbsd.ub. Create /boot/boot.ini as follows: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" ODROIDC-UBOOT-CONFIG setenv bootargs "root=ld0f awge0.mac-address=${ethaddr}" fatload mmc 0:1 0x22000000 boot.scr source 0x22000000 """]] Create /boot/boot.txt: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" # regenerate with: # mkubootimage -A arm -C none -O netbsd -T script -a 0 -n "NetBSD/odroidc1 boot" boot.txt boot.scr setenv rescue_kernel "onetbsd.ub" setenv kernel "netbsd.ub" if test ${boot_rescue} = false; then setenv boot_rescue true saveenv fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 ${kernel} mw.l c1109900 0f08ffff # arm watchdog bootm 0x21000000 else fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 ${rescue_kernel} bootm 0x21000000 fi """]] Generate boot.scr from boot.txt: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" mkubootimage -A arm -C none -O netbsd -T script -a 0 -n "NetBSD/odroidc1 boot" /boot/boot.txt /boot/boot.scr """]] Install the **uenv** tool from above and add the following to root's crontab: [[!template id=programlisting text=""" @reboot /usr/local/sbin/uenv ld0 boot_rescue false """]] # Documentation Amlogic S805 datasheet: # ODROID-C1 UART pins From [ODROID Forum](http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=7684): [[!template id=programlisting text=""" ___UART____ |Pin 4 - GND| |Pin 3 - RXD| |Pin 2 - TXD| |Pin 1 - VCC| \___________| 3.3V LVTTL """]]