[[!meta title="How to use pkgsrc on illumos-based disttibutions"]] This page will cover the requirement to bootstrap pkgsrc on illumos-based distributions. (illumos is the continuation of OpenSolaris.) [Prebuilt binaries & a repository of packages is provided by Joyent](https://pkgsrc.joyent.com) so it is not necessary to go through this process unless by choice. It is assumed that a copy of the pkgsrc files have been [obtained](https://pkgsrc.org/#index3h1) and uncompressed, ready to bootstrap. See also pkgsrc/bootstrap/README.Solaris; this wiki page should probably be merged into that file. # illumos gcc versions In 2022, the default compiler is gcc 7.3. /opt/gcc/$(GCC_VERSION) on Illumos is usually where the patched version of the compiler - used to build illumos itself - is located. This will exists only after installing the illumos build environment (package 'build-essential' on OI, 'illumos-tools' on OmniOS and 'illumos-build' on Tribblix). Vanilla GCC instead is normally installed at /usr/gcc/$(GCC_VERSION) and symlinked to /usr/bin/gcc-*, with the default alternative being /usr/bin/gcc. Upon installing any gcc version, it should be already available in $PATH. # OmniOS As of 2017, on a freshly installed system the only components needed to bootstrap pkgsrc successfully is GCC, lint, linker object-files and header files. # pkg install gcc48 header linker lint object-file header-math pkgsrc can then be bootstrapped as [normal](https://www.netbsd.org/docs/pkgsrc/platforms.html#bootstrapping-pkgsrc) # Tribblix As of 2017, all that's required is for the `develop` overlay to be installed in order to successfully bootstrap pkgsrc on Tribblix. # zap install-overlay develop # OpenIndiana As of 2017, on the 151a8 development release of OpenIndiana, the installation of GCC & GNU binutils is required alongside lint, object-files and header files to bootstrap pkgsrc successfully. # pkg install illumos-gcc gnu-binutils system/header developer/library/lint object-file header-math # PATH=/opt/gcc/4.4.4/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:$PATH pkgsrc/bootstrap/bootstrap # OpenSXCE [OpenSXCE has not been updated since 2014.] As of 2017, comes with all necessary component to bootstrap pkgsrc out of the box, just ensure `PATH` contains the path to GCC & linker `/opt/gcc/4.4.4/bin:/usr/gnu/bin` when performing a system wide install as root. No changes required when performing an [unprivileged bootstrap](https://www.netbsd.org/docs/pkgsrc/platforms.html#bootstrapping-pkgsrc) as environment contains necessary settings.