**Contents** [[!toc levels=2]] # No X installed Assuming you have just made a clean install of NetBSD and you have not installed the X11 sets, you should do the following: ## /etc/mk.conf Edit your /etc/mk.conf and add the following line: X11_TYPE=modular ## Install xorg Provided that your pkgsrc tree lies in `/usr/pkgsrc`, type: # cd /usr/pkgsrc/meta-pkgs/modular-xorg # make install ## Configure Xorg Usually no configuration is necessary. To start X you use: $ startx ## Additional configuration Additional adjustments can be made in ~/.xinitrc and ~/.Xresources. For example, you may want to use a different terminal emulator font, such as pkgsrc/fonts/overpass. ## ~/.Xresources To do so, we can add this line to ~/.Xresources: *font: xft:overpass mono:size=12 For this to take effect, we must do merge it into the database. $ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources To do this at every X startup, we can add it to ~/.xinitrc. ## ~/.xinitrc An example ~/.xinitrc to run a window manager and configure keyboard layout: xrdb merge ~/.Xresources # respect ~/.Xresources configuration setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle us,il # two keyboard options, US keyboard and IL, # with alt+shift as a toggle option openbox # run your favourite window manager.