
Use this template to display a program listing, or a succession of commands (together with their output).

Remember that shell commands may be prefixed by:


$ uname
$ cd /bin
$ ls
[          cpio       domainname kill       mt         rcmd       sleep
cat        csh        echo       ksh        mv         rcp        stty
chio       date       ed         ln         pax        rm         sync
chmod      dd         expr       ls         ps         rmdir      tar
cp         df         hostname   mkdir      pwd        sh         test

is obtained with:

[[!template  id=programlisting text="""
$ uname
$ cd /bin
$ ls
[          cpio       domainname kill       mt         rcmd       sleep
cat        csh        echo       ksh        mv         rcp        stty
chio       date       ed         ln         pax        rm         sync
chmod      dd         expr       ls         ps         rmdir      tar
cp         df         hostname   mkdir      pwd        sh         test