##Fujitsu AG-10e This is Frankenstein's monster of graphics cards. It's a double-wide, double-decked [[SBus]] device with three different graphics chips - each with its own memory, a high end RAMDAC and a DSP.
There is: * a GLint 300SX with 2x 6MB framebuffer ( that's what the firmware says, the chip itself claims to have 16MB framebuffer ) and 16MB 'local buffer' - whatever that is, 3D Labs claims they can't find any docs but I doubt they even checked. This chip provides a 24bit true colour visual. * an Imagine I128 with 4MB RAM, this chip provides an 8 bit visual. * a Weitek P9100 with 2MB framebuffer, this chip provides WIDs * an IBM RGB561 RAMDAC which supports a truckload of features and WID control over pretty much everything * an Analog Devices DSP with its own memory, we have no clue what it's being used for Evidently there is some sort of SBus-to-PCI bridge on the card, from the graphics chip listed above only the P9100 is known to exist as an [[SBus]] variant, and even that was probably an in-house hack done by Tadpole. We have a kernel driver for it ( [[agten]] at [[sbus]] ) which uses the I128 to provide an accelerated console and switches to the GLint's 24bit visual when X runs. The [[xf86-video-ag10e]] driver is mostly glue code to map framebuffer and registers via /dev/fb*, run the [[xf86-video-glint]] driver's 300SX support and deal with the different DAC.