Hackathon 17

The 17th NetBSD hackathon is running from June 14th until June 17th. Our goal is fixing all the bugs that need fixing to get NetBSD-current ready for the creation of the NetBSD 6.0 release branch.

Join us on the IRC channel #netbsd-code on freenode (irc.freenode.net). Just join, have a look around and ask your questions or what work needs to be done.

Release plans for NetBSD-6.0

This file is managed by the release engineering team - please get in touch with them with any feedback.

Will be in 6.0

Possibly in 6.0

May not make 6.0

Will not be in 6.0

Alistair Crooks On behalf of core and releng teams

Primary goals

We want NetBSD 6.0 to be the best NetBSD release ever. There are already a lot of great features in it:

To make sure that NetBSD users get the best possible experience of the new release we would like to fix as many as possible of the following bugs. If you are able to help us to fix these bugs by supplying patches or testing fixes please consider to participate. We are also in need of people to supply documentation fixes, preferably in the form of patches. Release notes and/or manual pages!

Critical bugs:

Important bugs:

Should be fixed:

It would also be nice to fix the following bugs: